Will you Retire?

The following senators are all Republicans in states with Democratic governors, meaning that if they retired they will likely be replaced by a Democrat. Even just one retiree could get the Democrats over 50 votes in the Senate for real climate legislation. (Noting that Joe Manchin isn't really a Democrat, he is loyal to his family's Coal holdings.)

State Name Phone
Kansas Jerry Moran 202-224-6521
Kansas Roger Marshall 202-224-4774
Kentucky Mitch Mcconnell 202-224-2541
Kentucky Rand Paul 202-224-4343
Louisiana Bill Cassidy 217-782-8088
Louisiana John Kennedy 202-224-4623
Maine Susan M Collins 202-224-2523
North Carolina Richard burr 202-224-3154
North Carolina Thom tillis 202-224-6342
Pennsylvania Patrick J Toomey 202-224-4254
Wisconsin Ron Johnson 202-224-5323

So, see if you can talk someone in to retiring and spending their golden years not ruining the world for the rest of us.