Senator: Cory Gardner
At least $1,338,649 in career contributions from dirty money.
In 2014, MSNBC wrote: “During the lightning round, yes-or-no portion of The Denver Post debate between Gardner and Udall, the Republican was asked ‘do you believe humans are contributing significantly to climate change?’ ‘Well, I’ve said all along climate is changing,’ Gardner began, earning reprimands from the moderators to answer in one word. ‘This is an important issue and I don’t think you can say yes or no,’ Gardner fired back, earning boos from the crowd and another reprimand. ‘I believe climate is changing, but I disagree to the extent that’s been in the news that man is changing –’ he started again, earning a third reprimand and a reminder that he would have time later to explain his answer if he wanted.” Since that time, a spokesman for Sen. Gardner wrote in an email to E&E News, "Senator Gardner believes human activity is a driver of climate change." However, Gardner's office did not respond to a request for comment and clarification as to whether he believes human activity is the primary driver of climate change, as is the scientific consensus.